Backed Into a Corner

No, we have not decided to start disciplining our 8-month old by placing him in the corner (and in true character, he is in Uncle Ryan and Aunt Kristin’s corner, not ours). He put himself there! That’s right, the bum is no longer a true “bum,” just lying around drinking milkie and waiting for everyone to bring him what he needs. He is officially….

I knew this blissful, easy time would come to an end soon enough. Milo no longer stays where we put him. He can army crawl backward (not forward) around the entire room. He gets up on all fours and rocks back and forth. He goes from sitting to the crawl position. He will no longer stay on his back when we change his diaper. And he is so much happier because of all this! Milo is all smiles all day, and is content to explore his surroundings for hours. Which is why I decided to scrub the floor on my hands and knees all day today. I caught Milo “tasting” our dirty floor and actually cringed. Other tasting, which makes us very happy, includes babyfood! Milo is eating from a spoon now! Favorites are pears and sweet potatoes. Maybe he will be weaned by 12 months after all!

Now for the new cousin pictures. Yesterday we were invited to DC for dinner at Ryan and Kristin’s house to meet Baby Casey and spend some QT before they are off to Texas for good. Although we do have Ryan’s graduation from med school and all of those festivities coming up in two weeks, the chaos that will surround that event will probably keep us from being able to enjoy such activities as ….

Licking Baby Casey’s head,
Examining his tonsils,
And hanging out with two topless chicks.
Cool picture for when Milo is a teenager, if only they weren’t his cousins.

2 thoughts on “Backed Into a Corner”
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  1. Yay Milo! I can’t wait to run around with you. Can you show me some spoon eating pointers? I am so jealous of all the fun you have with Lizzy, Ava and Baby Casey. See you all soon!


  2. Is Milo taller than Andrew yet? Just think, in a couple more months, Milo will be able to wear Andrew’s mini Hawaiian shirts.

    Uncle Ronnie

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