The Beat of a Different Drum…. Very Different

I figured our son would be the unconventional type, given his genetic makeup. He seems to have his own agenda when it comes to nursing, sleeping, eating solids… and now this last subject has taken a turn. Because Milo has recently shown me that he thinks drinking water out of a glass is fun (after having skipped bottle, sippy cup, and straw), I decided to try something new with baby food. Actually, I wasn’t being progressive, just lazy. He had thrown his spoon on the floor one too many times, and I was tired of picking it up. So I just held the little juice glass (what I’ve been trying to spoon feed him out of) close to his mouth and, well…

I guess he will drink his food out of a glass. And though a lot of the pureed mess ended up on his chin, he actually did swallow something other than milk, which makes me very excited. Hey, it only took 3 months of trying!

So here’s to the unconventional, the oddities of the world, the circus freaks, and those who refuse to do anything the way they are “supposed to.” Ah, my Bum.

2 thoughts on “The Beat of a Different Drum…. Very Different”
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  1. Hilarious. Looks like you might not have to attend college with him as his only source of food after all. He looks so proud of himself, and not even a hint of self-induced gagging!

  2. Oh Lauren, that is wonderful! He is really hitting his stride now with the food and rocking on all fours. He knows that he gets his mommy excited whenever he does these things! Before you know it, he’ll be taking the car keys!

    Love, Mom

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