The Three MuskaBums

On our most recent trip to Ohio, Milo and I met Baby Jack, Milo’s teeny tiny cousin, who my brother and sister-in-law believe was mistakenly switched with Milo… my brother is 6’5, and both he and his wife had blond hair and blue/green eyes- their baby is small and dark! Of course, he is just a newborn and we’re sure he will live up to all the tall/blond hype. I didn’t take any pictures of him for fear of waking him up or damaging his eyes with the flash of the camera. But I will post more as they come!

We also got to meet (finally!) two of my college friends’ baby boys. Amy’s little man, Abram (on the left) and Kasey’s baby boy Max (right). We spent some time together at Kasey’s house and enjoyed the roly-poly babies. Milo had a blast dumping over Max’s toy baskets and going to town, putting each and every toy into his mouth, of course… sorry Kasey! I enjoyed holding Max and Abram. It’s amazing how used to Milo’s weight I have become- it was funny holding younger babies. Amy and Kasey, your babies are adorable and healthy! They are beautiful and so are you both!
What, does Milo stink or something?The next time we get these three together, they will probably be getting into all sorts of mischief.
Speaking of which, Milo enjoyed his first actual television viewing at my brother’s. He was totally zoned out for the few minutes I allowed this! I know, it won’t kill him to see a few cartoons now and then! But you have to admit, the creepy glazed look in his eye is a little troubling. We all walked out of the room into the kitchen and he didn’t even notice. ADD anyone?
And last but not least, I took this picture before we went to Ohio and meant to show it to my brother, Milo’s uncle who sent us this lovely pacifier. Since he won’t keep anything in his mouth that is supposed to be there, I had to hold it in for him for the picture. I hope it was worth it!

We had fun, but glad to be home. Milo took some monster naps today and is already back into his routine. Tomorrow we are going to a baby sign language class, then on Sunday we get to pick up Andrew. I miss him so much, and I know Milo does too. He needs some serious daddy time!

2 thoughts on “The Three MuskaBums”
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  1. So cute Lauren! I’m so excited Max has become a Muskabum, Max is too and let out many shreaks of joy 🙂 I’m so glad you were able to make a trip into Cincinnati, Milo is the cutest thing ever!

  2. Please cease and desist your use of the term “The Three MuskaBums.” The name is a trademark of the original Three Muskabeers, created on a foggy, drunken night in April of 1999. The fact that we may or may have not been under the influence of large quantities (i.e. 20 plus beers)of Keystone Light and probably couldn’t remember where our dorm or Andrew’s truck was located, does not grant you permission to pilfer the names and memories we hold dear to our hearts. We thank your for your cooperation in this matter.

    Sir Richard Poop, Esq.

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