Ima cutya
Just a few random ramblings today.
Emil is a tornado of terror if you try to hold him on your lap. He will twist away from you until he is facing out, then quickly twist again so he is facing in and so on and so forth until you almost drop him.
During all of this, I keep having this image of him jumping off my lap, landing on two legs, and running off laughing like a maniac, only to return with the above toy knife to say, Pet Cemetary style, “Daddeeee, I want to play with youuuuuu!” Scary, no?
If you are wearing sunglasses when you first meet me, please know that I am greatly disturbed by the fact that I cannot see your eyes and where you are looking and it makes me feel really strange and vulnerable. Especially if we go the entire conversation and I actually have no idea what you really look like. And especially if it’s not that sunny out.
Yesterday I had the honor and privilege of taking a nap with Emil, only I woke up with both hands completely asleep and useless. Note to self: hands are a great gift and not to be taken for granted.
I had no idea this weekend was Easter until my friend Ingrid told me yesterday.
I had to wipe a bottom exactly 6 times today. Not one of those was my own.
Though I chose to take a nap yesterday, I really should have used the time to shave my other leg, since I only got to one the last time (and unfortunately, this is not the first time this strange thing has occurred) so now I am forced to wear pants until the situation is resolved. Why not shave now, you ask? Well, because “Ima cutya” is nursing pretty much 26 hours per day. That’s why.
Our dog Proudie keeps walking by and farting the most disgusting, awe-inspiring dog farts you can imagine and it is actually giving me a real-life headache.
That’s all for now. Please enjoy some delicious chocolate egg things while I pass out from the dog fart business. Happy weekend!
“Ima cutya” is the funniest caption ever, and that picture is so great.
I also have serious issues with not being able to see the eyes of the person I am talking to, especially when it’s a new person. It bothers me so much that I make a point to take my sunglasses off when I talk to people because I think it’s important to see the eyes of the person you are talking to.
Audrey saw the picture of Emil and said, “Ohhh, baby!!! Eat boobies!” Little did she know that he views that as a full time job.
The true sign of a busy, busy mom = 1 leg shaven, 1 leg not. lol I hope you have a relaxing, have-time-for-shaving-both-legs kind of weekend 🙂 xo
I never knew you had SUCH disdain for sunglasses…but it’s now been mentioned in TWO different blog posts! Remind me not to wear them around you. I don’t want to get on your bad side! ; )
Oh, and the one leg shaved one leg not is SO in right now. Go with it.
Hahaha, no Mary, it’s not that bad, just when I meet someone for the first time. I know it’s a completely irrational thing. I promise I won’t be nasty if you wear sunglasses around me!
And Aunt Barb & Uncle Steve, please come visit whenever you want! We would love to have you (and cook for you)!
That crazy knife photo! Too funny, how can a little guy be so adorable and mildly frightening all at once? I am totally guilty of the sunglasses move. It’s one of those things where once you get used to wearing them, the light feels oh so bright- even when it’s cloudy 🙂 I get the creep factor though… must remember to lift the glasses!
love the sunglasses observation. hate the hidden eyes too.
thanks for the smiles, great thoughts, especially keeping a tally of bum wipes.
happy easter, x ashley
Have faith, dear Lauren… Sometimes, those of us, older than you- wear sunglasses to hide our wrinkles around those eyes… & also our emotions- if it’s been a lousy day, week… Etc.
Or perhaps, those of us who spent too much of our younger years in a darkroom are super Senditive to
I have random thoughts ALL the time- the fact that you published yours- is at the same time, a sigh of relief & inspiring to get up, accept & do it all over again.
As for Emil… Odd numbers… You come from three & each personality presents its own
challenges- handled with grace, dignity & a sense of humor! – of
which you have all three. Hugs