An impromptu visit from Andrew’s brother Billy, his wife Annie, and their kids Reina and Liam this weekend made for fun, fun, fun! We lucked out with beautiful weather and ate nearly every meal outdoors. Day one included a trip to our newly-opened neighborhood playground, a delicious feast of grilled salmon sandwiches and corn on the cob and roasted potatoes, and sleepovers with more excitement than sleep.
On day two, we loaded up on french toast with berries, then headed to the St. Louis Zoo for the morning. It was crowded, but the weather was coolish and lovely. The kids enjoyed the train and the chicken (one of the only animals we really took the time to attend to besides the monkeys).
That’s better.
After the zoo, we rested (a bit) and spent the remainder of the afternoon outside in the side yard playing (music AND actual playing) while the kids and Annie ran and ran and ran!
Oliver and Uncle B time
Cousin jam-session
The most delicious grilled salmon sandwiches (find recipe here – we substituted vegannaise for the mayo and it was delish) with oven-roasted potatoes with fresh herbs and sweet corn on the cob.
A stripe-y day!
Playing the kids’ mini guitar- he says it’s more fun
Aunt Annie is tons of fun!
We walked to our favorite dinner spot and ate outside while the kids did laps around the apple tree planted in the front garden of Winslow’s Home. We met up with friends Jamie and Brian (who we absolutely adore and do not see enough) there, and then the whole troupe headed back to our house to roast marshmallows and drink a few beers after the kids were in bed (thanks for picking up the mallows, J & B!).
Sunday was ridiculously hot (90 degrees on April 1st- looks like the joke’s on us) and by 8:30am the kids were already stripping down and begging for water. So…
… we obliged. I have a feeling much of our summer will look like this.
Thanks for a great weekend, Billy, Annie, Reina, and Liam! My cheeks hurt from laughing and I can barely move from exhaustion. A good sign for sure.
This looks like the most wonderful week-end. It’s so lucky that your boys have cousins so close in age and that they can all have fun together. I’m also jealous of your weather- we can’t even get our garden going with the flurries and frosts (what happened to that early spring?). Oh and James is going to definately want to try those grilled salmon sandwiches… yeah pretty much just envying your week-end start to finish!
Thank you thank you thank you for such a great weekend! You guys were so gracious to welcome us at the drop of a hat. A true sign of good times, Reina cried for a bit on the ride home (maybe because she has those giant underpants in the last picture?) but has recovered today. Hope you have as well. EVERY meal was delicious but that salmon dinner was my favorite, too. Billy’s inspired by your garden progress and out tilling today.
Please return the favor by heading our way at any time, Proudie too! We love you guys.
Thanks for letting us come visit as well! It was great getting to see all of you! We adore all the Knights in our life
And… Winslow’s Home might be my new favorite spot in our lovely city!
What a delightful weekend you had. Ours was filled with head injuries (mine), allergies (Cal) and not nearly enough time outside…it was a lot cooler here than it was there. Isn’t this weather weird? Summer has sprung. What a lucky lovely family you have.
That first pic with all the kids on swing & Andrew in the middle… Priceless.
This looks like such a jam-packed, action-filled weekend! So adorable to see your boys playing with their cousins… I’m REALLY digging that jam session photo! Looks like a blast.
Milo’s faces in the 1st 2 pics = awesome. Every spread of food you show us always looks SO delicious! I don’t know how you do it!!