Why the suspicious look?
Might it have to do with the “finally getting your own room” concept?
My little Milo is growing up! He slept in his own room last night for the very first time… and he slept for 8 hours in a row! YAY! Then, he woke up at 4am for a little snack and went back to sleep until 7am. Yes, that is 11 hours. I am so, so happy. I thought we were going to pay for keeping him in our room for so long, and that we were in for a little adjustment period or something. But I guess he was ready. And now he is taking a two-hour nap in his crib, in HIS room. Ah, the luxury.
Now for the food…
Just kidding. It’s all breastmilk for this guy… but we are trying! Sweet potatoes all over the floor in the dining room as I write this. It did not go well.
Today we had Milo’s 7-month check-up. He is still high percentile-wise all around, but no longer off the charts with weight. He is tall for his age, we are told. Go figure. Two shorties like Andrew and I have tall offspring. He might slow down, though, as he did with weight. But none of the technicians, nurses, or the pediatrician could believe he is as big as he is without eating any solids. My buddy sure loves his milkie.
More baby steps!
That’s a great picture. Good luck with baby boot camp!