… two steps back?
Okay. I’m starting to think this blogger thing is cursed. It seems that whenever I post some new accomplishment of Milo’s, he regresses right afterward. Case in point, sleeping.
The past two nights, Milo has been waking up in his old style; every hour to two hours. I was literally in tears last night, about to throw The Sleep Lady’s book against the wall. I’m doing everything that bleeping book says to do, and still I have a baby who insists on screaming every couple of hours for at least 15 minutes! And now we’re up at 6am but he seems irritable and tired. Like me. Help! I’m not expecting my 6-month-old to sleep through the night, but come on. This is a bit much, and I’m back to being exhausted. And I’m worried that our neighbors are literally going to come over here and kill us at any moment. Any tips or ideas would be much appreciated.
On a happier note, yesterday was a blast. We hiked around Loch Raven Reservoir with Mary and Ben, then hung out at Mary’s house and had a cup of tea afterward. Milo crapped himself so badly on the way there that we had to borrow an entire outfit from Ben! Nice. Other than that, we had a great time. I have never seen Milo respond to another baby the way he does to Ben. He “talks” to him, squealing and blowing spit bubbles, and watches his every move, especially since Ben is newly mobile… fascinating for Milo. I think we have a potential best buddy here! And the good news for me is that I have a great friend to share the wonders and trials of motherhood with, which is a Godsend right now, if you couldn’t tell.
Here are some pictures of our little buddies:
They ended up holding hands for a couple of seconds after this last photo… so cute! Maybe some of Ben’s amazing sleep habits will rub off on Milo. I’m hoping for a miracle here!
Super cute baby!! I came across this blog because I was told by a friend of your to look at it and the sleep lady website. I was really turned off by the sleep lady’s website and surprised that some women turn off their internal cues and listen to some stranger who doesn’t even know their baby.
Did you know that we’re the only mammals that advocates seperating their young and mothers, and we also have highest infant mortality rate of almost all developed nations! Are you listening to your internals cues? I.E. when your baby cries you respond, they’re crying for a reason. It is not NATURAL for us to allow our infants to sleep apart from us and thrive. As a nation we have our parenting very backwards and we wonder why we have so many problems with our youth. If I was an infant that was alone is a cold dark room I would scream too!!! Did you know that infants who sleep in close proximity to their mothers and nurse frequently at night receive 30% more nutrition than other infants, antibodies and immunity too. You should hold your baby tight, nurse them often and be thankkful that he is healhty and happy. Some people are not so fortunate.
Best of luck. Listen to that sweet little boy, he’s telling you what he wants and NEEDS!! (YOU)
Who the h…is this person who is giving this extraineous advice to you? Obviously, she or he (or it) doesn’t know you, or your family, and this was totally uncalled for. You and Andrew are doing a wonderful job with Milo, and it shows. So please – enough of your authoritative preaching – mind your own business.
Lauren’s Mother.