Rice Cereal… Take 2

I was re-reading some older blog posts and realized that some things are a bit deceptive. Not on purpose, I just never followed up on certain subjects. A long time ago, I claimed that Milo was putting himself to sleep at night. He did that once. Now, though, he actually is falling asleep more independently without all the screaming. He has been learning self-soothing techniques so that when he awakens during the night (which he still does quite a bit of, but is improving) he can put himself back to sleep rather than needing to be nursed, rocked, picked up, etc. And we are down to one nighttime feeding (at 3am) which has been incredibly helpful for me… quite a change from the 1 1/2 to 2-hour nursing schedule we were on only a week ago! It’s incredible how much I’ve learned as a parent. Funny thing is, Andrew was making these suggestions long ago, and I was too stubborn (and emotionally not ready) to do them! But now we are all on the same page…


The other deception: Milo took to rice cereal like a pro! He did! Once.

Ever since then, I’ve been trying for a repeat performance, but he does not want food. Not just rice cereal, but anything. Banana, sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, NOTHING! Even if I mix in more breastmilk than food, no way. He does the following:

Hmmm… this looks interesting. Have I seen this before somewhere?
I’ll try it.
Oh, yuck! Why did I try it?!Get me out of here! You tricked me!
You would think that some of it would have made it into his stomach, but no. That is all of it running down his chin and pooling on his bib. Teeth are for chewing. Chewing! Real food!
Well, looks like I’ll be nursing until this kid decides he’s ready for some real food. Did I mention he still refuses a bottle?

But how could I be frustrated at a face like this?
Yes, he is grabbing his diaper there. He has just discovered his penis and very few pictures exist without him grabbing it or his diaper. Don’t believe me? See for yourself.
Oh, well. I guess if I had one, I would check it out too.

We have a big week and weekend planned. Tomorrow Milo and I are going on a hike with my friend Mary and her 9-month-old Ben. Then on Saturday we are boarding Proudie and flying to San Antonio to visit Andrew’s family. We are really, really looking forward to having Milo meet Gram and Bub (Andrew’s dad and stepmom) for the first time. We are hoping to spend some quality time with all, as Ryan and Billy and their families will be there as well. This will be the first of many trips to Texas, as we hope to enjoy family time more than we have been lately. Maybe they can teach Milo some manners, too.

2 thoughts on “Rice Cereal… Take 2”
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  1. I hope you’re not planning for Reina to teach Milo any manners…or eating skills for that matter. Heck, she and the other girls might wonder what all the diaper grabbing is about. Looking forward to seeing you all!

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