The good news is, the sleep training is starting to work (although we still have a way to go). Milo went for a whole 7 hours without nursing last night. Although he woke up 5 times between his 7pm bedtime and his 2am feeding, he did not scream and cry nearly as much, and was able to put himself back to sleep with little more than a “shhh,” a pat on the head, or just some displeased grumbling. This is progress. Now for naptimes… sigh.
The good news is, Milo is at the tail end of his sickness, and the doctor gave him a relatively clean bill of health this morning at our appointment.
More good news: you can see our little man’s two tiny teeth if you look closely enough (double click on photo to enlarge):
… and he has stopped biting when nursing!
The not-so-good news: Milo is now boycotting any solid foods, I have now contracted whatever illness Milo is getting over, I have barely left the house for several days, the nasty, wet, dreary weather makes nighttime and daytime nearly indistinguishable, and it seems that every article of clothing I own has spit-up on it, even though I just did laundry yesterday. I am so, so ready for spring! Get us out of here!!!
Baby steps Lauren…I’ve found sometimes the steps are going backwards though! Sorry you’re sick, too. No fun at all. Stay tough!