Milo’s latest accomplishment, growing two teeth, and learning how to use them, has become my greatest fear. As his teeth have come a little earlier than I expected (most of the babies in his playgroup either have no teeth or didn’t get them until 7 or 8 months), I didn’t necessarily expect to still be nursing as much when he did sprout those sharpies. But, like everything else, Milo has surprised me. Last night, over the course of the night and early morning, Milo bit the SAME nipple 4 times! I know, too much information, but it really, REALLY hurts! Any advice on getting him to stop would be much appreciated. I tried the old stop, say “no,” then discontinue nursing for a few minutes. Milo looked shocked at my stern “no,” then got a big smile on his face and actually giggled! I guess all that sneaking up behind him, jumping out and yelling “boo!” that Andrew and I have been doing has conditioned Milo to believe that a loud, startling, angry voice means playtime.
On a much more innocent note, Milo is as obsessed with his feet as Proudie is!
If only his belly weren’t so round, he could give them a taste:
Aw, naked baby, how cute. But really… how do I stop the removal of my nipple?
Referring back to Ryan’s suggestions; ‘Stop thumb or finger sucking in just 3 weeks…’ Perhaps putting that contraption on the end of the breast would help!
Only kidding.
Love, Mom
I can’t believe you’re making such a big deal about losing a nipple, Lauren. Other mothers would be happy to lose body parts for their children. Besides, all the scar tissue looks HOT, especially during summer when you’re wearing those tissue-weight t’s.
Your indignant sister, Krista