Pop Goes the Weasel

Here is the much-anticipated premier of Milo’s giggles caught on film (and Andrew’s rendition of “Pop Goes the Weasel”). We took the video the same day that we took the video of Milo rolling over. It was an eventful day.

I’ll post more when there is more news. All that is going on with us is… teeth, teeth, teeth! Milo now has two bottom teeth visible, and is more miserable than ever. But thanks Annie M. for the tip on Hyland’s teething tablets. They seem to give him some relief and he surprisingly doesn’t spit them out immediately like everything else! I think they are actually baby dope because he is so tranquil after taking them. Highly recommended for fussy teething babies!

Make sure the sound is turned up before enjoying this rare moment of fun!

2 thoughts on “Pop Goes the Weasel”
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  1. Hilarious! I watched this at work and I laughed so hard I was crying and it made my contact get screwed up! You guys are too funny.

    Glad the teething is getting a little better.

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