Rolling, Playing, Roasting

Here is proof that Milo really is rolling over. Nevermind the fact that Proudie had to bribe him with her dog toy. And ignore Proudie’s attempts at trying to steal the spotlight.

And really, I think we have hit a turning point today with the rolling over. After his evening bath, Milo rolled over onto his stomach 4 times just during my attempts to put his diaper on! He really does it fast, now. I guess we are moving on from the cute, immobile baby days.

We had a busy, but great weekend with family and friends. On Saturday, we visited with cousin Charlie, Aunt Krista, and Uncle Eric at Great-Uncle Eric and Great-Aunt Dawn’s house in Edgewood, MD. Also there, Great-Aunt Barb and Great-Uncle Steve, whose goal was to roast Milo in the fire. However, Milo got him back later by barfing on his head. All in a day’s work.

My favorite picture of Milo and Charlie (who will be 2 in May):

Milo doing what he does best (grabbing):
What I assume will be a rarity; both boys sitting still and looking at the camera (and Milo showing a little sock):
Great-uncle Steve roasting Milo the Marshmallow by the toasty fire:
… and moments before payback:
So that was day 1.

On Sunday, we drove to DC to participate in the dangerous ritual of celebrating a toddler’s birthday at a place with padded walls and floors, scary clown dolls the size of small children, and a Goth children’s group leader who sang and danced her heart out delightfully despite looking a bit vampire-ish (really, she was great). For those of you who weren’t there, this place was the Gymboree in Chevy Chase, MD. After the kids were worn out, they were plugged on cupcakes and juice, and sent on their way. Elizabeth was ecstatic, and remained in a fantastic mood all day (this kid is amazing) despite all the stimulation and lack of nap. Milo and Ava didn’t do quite as well, but they had a great time, too.

Milo (not so sure of the angle of the wedge he was placed on) and the birthday girl:

Milo and Ava on separate rocking horses:
Andrew with Milo, who looks like he is about to run off and get into some mischief:A casualty of fun:

And Milo probably contracting some sort of communicable disease:
For those of you who have been begging for more pictures, this should satisfy you. Stay tuned for more videos….

1 thought on “Rolling, Playing, Roasting”
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  1. Lauren, you got some cute pictures from the party. I am so glad you posted them. I am hoping to get mine up tonight. All the kids had a great time, I just wish the parents had had more time to socialize, therefore, we were glad that you could come back to the house for some dinner. Your company is always a pleasure (even the young bum).

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