Sleepy Boy

This picture was not taken today.

If I had taken a picture, it probably would have been of either A) a sleeping baby, or B) a crying baby. Sometimes my days are like this- I don’t leave the house until 4:00 in the afternoon when it is time for me to go to the gym. I spend the entire day trying to make this little guy happy, while cleaning up, doing laundry, and somehow making food for myself. I literally cannot believe where the day has gone when 4:00 rolls around! I mean, when people say that being a stay-at-home mom is a full-time job, they weren’t kidding! I absolutely thought I might be bored or not have enough to do, but there is a constant, steady stream of work, plus a “to-do” list that never seems to get any shorter!

Not that I am complaining. I feel so blessed to be able to stay at home and raise our little man. He is generally a pretty happy baby and I hope I have something to do with that. I still can’t make him laugh as hard as Andrew or Proudie can, but maybe someday?

We are looking forward to seeing my sister Krista, her husband Eric, and cousin Charlie this weekend, who are visiting from Ohio. We are also super excited to see my Aunt Barb and Uncle Steve (who are coming down from Boston and haven’t met Milo yet) on Saturday at my Uncle Eric & Dawn’s house. We have such a big weekend planned. Little Cousin Elizabeth is having her 3rd birthday party on Sunday in DC. So… there will be plenty of fun pictures coming up soon.

Hopefully I’ll have my act together by then (even though I washed my hands after changing Milo’s diaper today, I looked down while lifting weights at the gym to discover a small amount of poop on the back of my right hand… nice- I guess I didn’t wash them as thoroughly as I thought, but how did it get there to begin with?). And hopefully Milo’s sharpie (that’s what Andrew and I have been calling his first tooth- it feels like a shark tooth) will not give him too much trouble. He’s been biting me in the strangest places, like my shoulder when I’m carrying him around. He left a mark! And I have a hickey on my left arm where he latched on and started sucking on me in the middle of my birthday breakfast on Sunday. Ah, the battle wounds are just starting…

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