Are You Kidding Me?

Ryan thoughtfully clipped these items from one of his favorite catalogs. He said he purchased these products and had found them exceedingly effective in protecting his girls from scrapes, bruises, and dangerous germs.

Thanks for the recommendations, Ryan, but I’m not sure that we’ll be needing these in the near future for Milo – his “bulk” should protect him from any harm. Maybe he’ll catch a flesh-eating virus that will go to work on his Goodyear midsection, flabby arms, and marshmallow thighs.

3 thoughts on “Are You Kidding Me?”
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  1. Yeah right. Ryan is so cheap – he wouldn’t buy any of that crap. He probably just coats his kids in newspaper and paper mache’ for protection.

  2. Now that the bum is rolling over I highly suggest the helmet – remember, he is as strong as balsa wood and built like a bowl of jello. My girls would tear through him like a train through tin foil. Please order these needed products for his own protection.

  3. Oh, my gosh. The shopping cart thing – we got one of those, handmade with love, at one of our showers. I finally just threw it away. I’d be so embarrassed to be seen rocking one of those things. Then a girl at work told me about her sister, who liked to chew on shopping cart handles when she was little and contracted a case of herpes that caused her throat to blister up like bubble wrap. So I compromise and wipe down the cart before throwing chuckie t in there.
    Luv ya! Krista

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