That little sharp thing I felt yesterday? Definitely a tooth. I’m so excited that Milo is entering this next stage of babyhood, but why does there always seem to be a catch?
Today, Milo was wonderful at our babies playgroup. He laughed, smiled, watched the 9 other babies (he is particularly interested in 8-month-old Victor, who doesn’t sit still for a second, crawling faster than Superbaby and on the verge of walking… his mother coos over Milo, saying that he reminds her of Victor when he was Milo’s age- already so mobile and active… great). Milo wasn’t all that fussy, but uncharacteristically clingy to me. While sitting on my lap watching the other babies, Milo passed out cold. He hasn’t done this since he was a newborn. I guess that should have been my first clue…
Fast forward an hour, when we are safe in the confines of home. Milo is miserable! Won’t nurse, can’t be consoled. Poor little guy is in real pain. He finds relief by biting my finger for a couple of seconds, then starts screaming again. We take the dog for a walk. I dance around the kitchen like an idiot for a few laughs, but happiness is so short-lived. Milo is fussing, crying, writhing, etc. I try to give him a cold teething ring, but he rejects. I’m starting to understand why people rub Bourbon on their babies gums when they are teething. I don’t have any Bourbon, but I guess I don’t really need any: a little more singing and dancing, and my little buddy passes out cold on my shoulder:No rubbing his eyes, no yawning, nothing! He just conked out again. I know he will awaken with a fury, so quick! You seasoned mommies, bestow your knowledge unto me! How do you make it through these teething months? He is only working on #1 here, we have a whole mouthful to go!
On a more positive note, the rice cereal worked like a charm last night. I put Milo down for bed at 8:30, and he slept for 5 hours straight!!! For those of you who are blessed with babies who have been sleeping 10-12 hours at night, you may not understand. This baby has only slept 5 hours in a row ONCE in his entire life, and that was when he was in his carseat in the middle of the night headed to Ohio for Thanksgiving. So, if I start going to bed at 8:30, I’ll be set. And now you have the #2 reason my life is officially over. Ha, ha!