Elephant Rocks Revisited


This past weekend we decided a family day trip was in order. Telling the boys a couple of days in advance lead to some parental leverage of good behavior and Oliver asking every five minutes, “Is it WARM, Mama?” and “When it’s warm, we can go to Eyaph-ant Wocks!” And finally, on Sunday, it was warm(ish).


Elephant Rocks State Park is a two-hour drive south of us in Ironton, MO. I have wanted to come here since Andrew took the boys right after I had Emil and came back with these pictures. It’s geographic features include a tor, which is an isolated rocky peak, usually of jointed and weathered granite. Apparently, the huge granite domes formed 1500 million years ago from a dome of molten magma. Eons of weathering produced the rounded boulders that you see (Wikipedia). Of course, I imparted none of this knowledge onto our youth, who were too busy running/climbing away from us in all directions.DSC_0020DSC_0027DSC_0036DSC_0039DSC_0040

There was much exploring and testing and forward motion to the next climbable object.


Doesn’t this look like an arm holding up this boulder?


And though Milo is in the majority of these pictures (because Andrew was holding Oliver’s hand a lot of the time as I struggled to keep up with Milo with the baby strapped to my chest!), Oliver did his own exploring on unsteady feet. And I am thankful that he is not as daring and crazy as Milo. Having two of the same would surely give me a panic attack. DSC_0053DSC_0055

And now that we’re on the subject of panic attacks, here are the inevitable photos of Milo airborne:DSC_0056DSC_0059DSC_0062DSC_0067

Though it’s hard to tell, the above jump was very high up and actually caused some real alarm. Enough for me to put down the camera and be a parent, people.


I’m telling you, it’s amazing that this kid has never caused himself bodily harm from these jumps… but he really actually uses good judgement and knows his limits. We have only had to tell him “no” about jumping off something a handful of times in his four and a half years on this earth, and he tends to scare other people’s parents more than his own. I know I will eat these words some day… but this guy just loves jumpin’ off stuff.DSC_0083

And I have absolutely no idea where he gets it.


We stopped for a picnic lunch at noon, and Milo and Oliver chose a nice spot off the trail overlooking a little pond. Of course, on top of a boulder.DSC_0096DSC_0098DSC_0107

Then the comedy of all comedies occurred when both Milo and Oliver suddenly had to go to the bathroom (eh-ehm not the easy kind) and we were as far away from the entrance and the toilets as we could be… so, you know, they just went. Don’t worry. We buried it and properly disposed of the napkins used for wipe-age. So if you’re in the area, you know. Watch your step. Hey, what can you do?DSC_0110DSC_0112DSC_0119When we made it back to the car, Milo made a mad dash to the swing set while Andrew got Oliver cleaned up at the car…DSC_0131DSC_0135

And Emil enjoyed his very first swing!


He loved it!


It was a wonderful day. We all returned feeling alive and refreshed… well, after I crashed for a major nap with Emil! Milo and Oliver were so rejuvenated from spending the entire day out of doors. It was fun foreshadowing onto what this spring and summer will be like. I can’t wait to have more adventures with these guys!

8 thoughts on “Elephant Rocks Revisited”
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  1. Great post! The pics of Emil in the swing are just precious! I’m so anxious to get outside I’m thinking about taking my 10 month old out to play in the snow today. Can’t decide if it’s worth all the bundling up…

  2. This looks like such a fun way to spend the day. Looks like your boys had a blast! When I was a kid we lived in Colorado for a while and would go up to Boulder on the weekends to explore little caves and rock formations. Felt like pure magic to me! 🙂 I miss picnics on mountaintops.

  3. that place is gorgeous. what a perfect day adventure. I love taking my boys out for stuff like this. we just don’t do it enough. thanks for reminding me of how important it is. 3 boys need to get out, and expend some of that wild energy boiling those bones.

    to springtime adventures!

  4. What an amazing park! And so fun to explore and have an adventure.

    And those pics of your baby in the swing are adorable! Oh, that smile. 🙂

  5. Andrew, remember going there as kids and when we were carrying everything from the car I didn’t see the cellar doors open and fell all the way down into the basement. It is still one of my fondest memories of Dad as I woke from being unconscious in his arms at the top of the stairs. I told him that story right before he died and he couldn’t understand why I thought it was one of my best memories.

  6. Nice set of pictures. I’ve been here twice, it’s a fascinating park!
    Your quite a talented photographer. May I ask what camera you use?

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