Happy Valentine’s Day!


The combination of a lazy January plus a fast-approaching Valentine’s Day and a dear neighbor having to relocate for her husband’s job thrust me into hostess mode. I was supposed to host our sometimes-monthly neighborhood ladies get-together a month ago, but little people kept getting sick, then Andrew had to work, and before I knew it, the entire month of January was gone. So, last Wednesday, I baked this cheesecake, and 24 hours later, I hosted ladies night, with a Valentine’s Day-ish theme.


We had all sorts of tasty sweet treats, from toffee chocolate almonds to white-chocolate-covered cherries and crunchy chocolate-filled cookies. We also had some savory treats, like genoa salami and prosciutto and a cheese plate with grapes and spanish almonds.


(La Tur was the favorite, as usual)


pretty things


And everyone brought wine (in addition to what I had already provided), so we ended up with twice as much as we needed, which is never a bad thing!


The night was a big success. Well, Emil ended up joining us ladies about halfway through. Turns out he doesn’t care to be left out of a group of 10 ladies laughing and drinking and eating chocolate cheesecake until our stomachs hurt. So, yes, I was holding a baby and no, I did not get a chance to take pictures of the actual ladies at ladies night. You will just have to take my word for it…

And have a wonderful, cheesy, ooey-gooey Valentine’s Day.

ps- it finally feels like winter with snow on the ground! hooray!

8 thoughts on “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
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  1. are those apron hanging pegs a DIY? please share, if so. otherwise…where did you get it? i love.

    looks like a fun get-together. hooray for ladies’ nights.

  2. You are such a great hostess! I love the thought of you making up that there were people there and that you just did this for a post.. imagine… no way! lol
    I’m IN LOVE with that apron/coat hanger and I’m so curious to try La Tur now. Hope you had a great love day!

  3. So, the La Tur really caught my interest. I found a cheese shop in NY that carries it, and it just so happens to be on my way home. Guess who’s having cheeeeeeeeese for dinner? I mean, I suppose I’ll fix up something green to go with it, but CHEESE.

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