Today, I experienced several of what better moms call “teaching moments.” These are, apparently, times that occur naturally throughout the day with youngsters such as mine. Spirited young men need teaching moments to understand the world around them. In lieu of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I tried to stay present and open myself to these opportunities. I’m pretty sure I failed.

The first such moment occurred at the playground. We were lucky enough to enjoy unseasonably warm weather for January (66 degrees and sunny!) and combined with the fact that it has been bitterly cold and snowy for the past week plus a holiday, the playground was packed with youth just itching to be taught a lesson or two. As I watched the big kids trampling over the littles, I pulled Milo aside to instill some good old MLK life lessons into his budding young brain. You know, something about peace and patience and equality for all. Even the pants-poopers.
He nodded and ran off, into the crowd of playing adults and children. And 20 minutes later, as I basked in the sun, sitting on the ground with Emil happily cooing and smiling, Oliver running circles around me singing, “Twy to GIT me, Mom!” I was jostled by a startling battle-cry. I froze, along with the rest of the 6,783,849 other parents, trying to decipher meaning from the war cry. And then, I saw them. A veritable army of young brutes. Eight or nine of them, tearing through the crowds, pushing aside all who may dare slow their attack. Milo at the lead. I watched as my four-year-old, eyes fierce as a hurricane, whooped and jumped, climbed and ran, fast as a flash, boys his size and bigger at his heels. And suddenly, I was mesmerized. Transported back to 9th-grade English when we dissected William Golding’s Lord of the Flies… “The creature was a party of boys, marching…” Savages. My kids are savages.

“The desire to squeeze and hurt was over-mastering.”

Sorry, Dr. King. I’m working on it.
I saw the hint of this for the first time this past Sunday when I took my son Judah (13months) to sunday school/nursery for the first time. As I was sitting on the ground with some of the mom volunteers and watching the kids play, I saw my not so shy son try to run w the 3 year old as they were hurling their bodies into the ball pit…. I was just mesmerized…what has gotten into my 13 month old? He has no fear! Im sure this no fear/boyish adventurous heart just grows with each passing day 🙂
This is hysterical! I like how Milo is “attacking” Oliver in almost every picture. PS love the new blog look!
Love this. My kids are savages too. Just this afternoon Ben had me pinned on the ground shooting blood out of his eyes while shouting: “Yeah, I’m a horned lizard! You didn’t expect THAT did you?!” Meanwhile Greta was grabbing every item out of the snack drawer screaming “I want coooooookies!”
I have such a vivid picture in my head of Ben screaming that he’s a horned lizard. And, no, it’s not what I would have expected.
Your boys are adorable, and I love that quote at the end!
The jumping pictures are the best! I guess this is what I have to look forward to 🙂 I grew up with all girls and now having a boy I definately feel like it’s uncharted territory. He’s already into cars at 1… but no violence just yet!
Ohhh I must say that your kiddos are adorable and the top two photos made me giggle:) Have a great day. xo
hahaha This is great! The moments you captured are too perfect for your words.
p.s. I am still just so excited about this new look.. the header is AMAZING.