The Pumpkin Patch, Version 2011


The weather in October has been beautiful thus far (as I sit inside with the heat turned on listening to the rain beat down on the roof). But really, today (not pumpkin patch day, clearly) and yesterday were the first dreary days we have had this month. Ah, October. How I love thee.


And so, as we do every year, we planned our family/friend outing to pick pumpkins in the country. We drove about an hour northwest of St. Louis while the kids slept in the car and reached a quaint little operation which even had live music and a small picnic area.


And though the banjo-guitar-singing folk music began to grate on the nerves a bit after a while (but this was maybe only me, as a lot of things have been annoying me lately– hormones? lack of sleep?–), this was a far cry from the commercialized carnival of a certain “farm” we visited last year (a grass parking lot the size of a shopping mall crammed with cars waiting for their fall experience).


But this was nice. Really nice.




Big Baby.


Beautiful, smart, and witty young ladies.


Maniac with “orange drank.”




… which you know is “drank” because it stains your upper lip for 5 hours after you have consumed it.

So, once we got the kids good and sugared up, we let them run amuck around the farm. See if you can spot Oliver in the next three…




Once again, what made our trip was the wonderful company. We have made some incredible friends since moving to St. Louis just a little over a year ago. And it is hard to believe that we have only known them for this short period of time. But when you find your people, you just know. I just wish we could have ALLLLLL of our people here with us. You know who you are.



Talking with Ingrid.



We herded the kids onto a little red wagon ride as I pumped them up with grand expectations of the pumpkin patch we were riding towards…


… only, it was just a hayride, not a hayride on the way to a pumpkin patch.


But no worries! Apparently there was a pumpkin patch accessible by foot (or yellow wagon). So we hiked the 30 feet through some Christmas trees (did I mention you can cut your own here?) and there it was.




A patch. Of pumpkins. And Christmas trees.


Lovely family.

Lovely day. Happy October to you!

5 thoughts on “The Pumpkin Patch, Version 2011”
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  1. What a great place to start a family tradition. You’ve really captured the essense of an October day in this post. Everyone looks gorgeous, too!

  2. aww I just love it. Can’t get enough of all things fall! My dad and sister are getting here tomorrow and we’re heading into the VA countryside Saturday so hopefully we’ll come back with some good pics and hopefully some pumpkins too!

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