Emil is 5!


On August 21st, Emil turned five. We spent the afternoon with our neighborhood friends, as Emil’s request was to “Do wheelies on my bike all day. It’s my ‘birfday’ all day. I’m the boss.” Yes, sir. You got it.


This kid is really special. He is sweet, generous, smart, quirky, and considerate. He consistently amazes us with his body control; at 18 months he was riding a scooter (by 2 he was riding faster than his older brothers were!), he mastered a two-wheeler at four years old (seriously, the kid just hopped onto the thing with no practice and rode off…), and he can run, climb, jump, skateboard, and balance with the best of them. I could use some of that coordination, if only it would rub off! DSC_0135DSC_0104DSC_0108

We’ve decided to keep birthday parties at bay for now. For Emil, it was enough to feel recognized by the people he sees most often right outside our front door; he is lucky to have a good little group of buddies (mostly girls) his age in the neighborhood to balance out all the testosterone we’re bringing to the table! He was grateful for the handful of family gifts we gave him at home that morning and did not expect more. It was really refreshing.


He was even kind enough to give me a ride around the playground in his wagon! So good to his mama, that one!DSC_0081DSC_0078DSC_0058DSC_0060

Milo and Oliver provided entertainment, as usual. DSC_0054DSC_0053DSC_0051

And at the end of the day, we went home and had a little family celebration with balloon-shaped candles and all. It was the perfect way to celebrate our little buddy!DSC_0226DSC_0221

Happy fifth, Emil! We love you so much!

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