Untitled, from the “At Twelve” Series by Sally Mann (Jackson Fine Art)
It’s no secret my admiration of (and borderline obsession with) Sally Mann’s photography. I recently read and reviewed her memoir, re-opening a chapter of my life and childhood that I had since forgotten. Books and photographs will do that to you, which is why I wanted to share the site Artsy with all of you photography and art enthusiasts! Sally Mann’s page is here, and includes 52 of her works, as well as gallery information, articles, shows, and related artists. The whole site is organized beautifully, with 40,000 artists to browse and discover; beware that you will likely spend hours here without intending to, but I don’t think that’s a bad thing.
I also thoroughly enjoyed reading Nine Artists Leading the Discussion on Climate Change, and plan to browse the many many wonderful artists again soon.
Happy Friday! Enjoy your weekend.
LOVE Sally Mann! Thanks for sharing her memoir earlier, which I look forward to reading at some point. Her photography of women, girls, her family, in particular is touching. One of the earlier exhibitions I worked on in my own career, Role Models: Feminine Identity in Contemporary American Photography, featured her work.
One series I was much less familiar with until recently is one of the “Body Farm” here in Knoxville, TN, where human decomposition is studied scientifically. It’s a disturbing, beautiful, thoughtful series about death. Check it out (if it’s a day where you’re feeling you have the stomach/emotional reserves to!).
Keep sharing favorite art and books! Love to read about them…
That series sounds interesting! Wow. <3
Yes, Cat, I am familiar with Mann’s Body Farm work. I think it’s beautiful, disturbing, and so emotional (clearly, I just used two out of three of your adjectives to describe the series… ha!). She really seems to find the beauty in everything.