I’m perpetually behind with posting, but hopefully now that I have access to a computer daily (yay!) I will be able to post more often. This is a good thing, as it seems like every time I look at Milo, he is accomplishing another milestone or… gaining another pound. He is now 16 pounds! I think for a ten-week-old this is a bit excessive, but he is thriving and healthy, and generally just very sturdy, so all is well.
We survived our first weekend visit with cousins Elizabeth and Ava on November 3. Kristin brought the girls down from D.C. for a fun-filled afternoon and dinner. Milo got lots of love, kisses, and pokes and prods to the eye socket, and I got some much-needed girl time with Kristin. We attempted a photo shoot which seemed to go alright at first:

Only to discover that Milo will tolerate this for only about 2 seconds:

Yes, Lizzy has the right idea- outta here!
Despite how it looks, the visit was a success, and we can’t wait to travel to Ohio next week for Thanksgiving to visit with family again. The car ride is going to be another story. Milo hates his carseat (aren’t babies supposed to fall asleep in them?) and quickly turns hysterical, red, and sweaty when left in it for any amount of time over 10 minutes. Oh, boy! That, combined with a dog that vomits on nearly every car trip should prove to be fun. Still, we can’t wait!