Although Milo’s real “first snow” was technically about a month ago, today seemed to be the first time he noticed it. We had our first accumulation of the season today; a soggy wet mess that makes the roads slick and slushy, but does not stick around for too long. But it was very pretty earlier today when it was first falling. Milo was pretty excited, and was content just looking out the window today for a while.And, of course, Proudie was even happier to do so.
But Milo didn’t mind sharing window time. He and Proudie have become the best of friends. It’s a symbiotic relationship: Proudie gets to snuggle up to Milo and steal his body heat during naptime, as well as lick his feet as soon as his socks come off (yes, our dog has a foot fetish, and even knows the word “feet”), and (I’m embarrassed to say) lick up his spit-up off the floor (hey, isn’t that why you have a dog in the first place, so you don’t have to bend over to wipe up or pick up dropped food items/vomit?)… and on the flip side, Milo gets constant entertainment when watching Proudie play “tug-of-war” with me or Andrew (he can watch this, giggling, for what seems like an hour), to pull on her ears, and someone to talk to (more like screech to). She is a great dog, and I’m surprised at how tolerant she is of Milo’s death-grip.
While we’re on the subject, I might add that Milo has really learned how to use his hands! He now reaches for and grabs everything in sight (including earrings and hair- not that I need any help in that area- I’m still losing enough hair on my own thank you very much). And, as expected, once grabbed, whatever it is goes directly into his mouth. It’s amazing to watch our little man grow and change so quickly. He seems so much more alert and aware of things now.
I’ll post more later, that little man just woke up and is screaming bloody murder… what could possibly be that upsetting when you wake up in a warm, cozy crib?
Dogs love to eat vomit. I am convinced that was a main reason they were put on this planet.
They also like dropped food off of high-chairs, baby saliva and of course, soft serve.