Those of you who have had children or grandchildren recently understand the importance of “tummy time,” since the SIDS campaign insists that we always put babies to sleep on their backs to prevent crib death. The funny thing is, Milo used to scream whenever he wasn’t on his stomach until he was about 2 months old. Now, however, it’s the other way around. Those helpful baby books recommend baby spends at least 30 minutes per day on his/her tummy to build neck muscles and develop coordination to roll over, etc. We’re lucky if we get 3 minutes. This is Milo when first placed on his tummy:
… And after about 30 seconds of being on his tummy:
Sounds of displeasure not included.
But really, here is our wonderful young man, such a good boy. Andrew jokes that Milo sits like that (hands folded neatly on his lap) because otherwise he will receive a spanking. But really, he just discovered how to hang on to things, namely his own hands. So cute!
And he is becoming such a happy baby (when he is not waking up from a nap)!
He laughs all the time, especially at Andrew. Of course, so do I.
Your baby’s a jerk, just like his old man.
(This was funny in my head, but on paper/computer screen, it looks really mean. I obviously decided to go ahead and post it anyways.)
He looks very studious and happy, he’s obviuosly pleased his parents are doing such a good job. GF aka Gram