Last weekend we went for the nicest hike, a 3-mile loop in Castlewood State Park, which is located in Ballwin, MO. The drive there was short, but it felt like we were in a different state (which was the point). The nicest thing about doing hikes like this is that they can be done over … Continue reading “Castlewood State Park”
Category: Green Living
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Food, by lauren, May 22, 2016, 5 RepliesMonday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday This spring, we’ve had the most strawberries we’ve ever had. It’s both a blessing and a curse; there’s a strange, sick game of keep-it-up with the berries that feels a lot like trying to do magic with a broken wand (Ron Weasley reference? Anyone?). Every day I find berries that … Continue reading “Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday”
Weekend Shenanigans
Family, by lauren, May 9, 2016, Leave a ReplyWhat a wonderful weekend. We had lovely spring weather sprinkled with thunderstorms — we sat on our front porch on Saturday afternoon as a family: Milo swinging gently with his nose in a book (where it is about 80% of the time these days), Oliver drinking tea, and Emil quietly, intently sweeping the dust off … Continue reading “Weekend Shenanigans”
In the Garden
Food, by lauren, May 6, 2016, 1 ReplyOur garden is coming along nicely! This year we got our acts together early enough to plant seeds instead of plants, which saved a ton of money and will hopefully ensure hardiness of the plants. So far we are growing strawberries (they come back in full force every year on their own), herbs (also came … Continue reading “In the Garden”
Montessori-Inspired: The Thrill of the Unexpected
Green Living, by lauren, May 5, 2016, 1 Reply“There is no description, no image in any book that is capable of replacing the sight of real trees, and all of the life to be found around them in a real forest.” — Maria Montessori When Milo got into the car last week soaked from the chest down and barefoot, carrying his dripping … Continue reading “Montessori-Inspired: The Thrill of the Unexpected”