The Elements: A Visual Exploration of Every Known Atom in the Universe, by Theodore Gray, photography by Theodore Gray and Nick Mann I have to share one of the best books we’ve ever purchased for our kids. It is, in Milo’s words, “Amazing because it has a fold-out periodic table of elements. It’s awesome!” (he … Continue reading “Reading, Experimenting”
Category: Montessori-Inspired
Montessori-Inspired, by lauren, October 23, 2014, 3 RepliesSince the weather has turned cooler, an after-school tradition has blossomed: tea. After I heat two cups of water, Oliver enjoys stirring a vanilla-chamomile tea bag and a tablespoon of raw honey into a little teapot I found at a thrift shop recently. Then he and Emil sit down at the table and take turns … Continue reading “Montessori-Inspired”
Montessori-Inspired: Nature in the Montessori Environment
Green Living, by lauren, October 2, 2014, 4 RepliesWith permission from the head of our lovely Montessori school, I wanted to share some photos from the school grounds with a focus on the importance of nature in the Montessori environment. Although I do not feel comfortable sharing which school we send our boys to on the blog, if you are interested in sending … Continue reading “Montessori-Inspired: Nature in the Montessori Environment”
Home Tour, by lauren, September 18, 2014, 9 RepliesSince all three boys have started Montessori school, I have been trying to make our home environment more consistent with what they are used to during the day. I think doing so will help them move seamlessly between both worlds, and aside from that, the theories behind the set up and materials just make sense … Continue reading “Montessori-Inspired”
Montessori-Inspired, by lauren, September 4, 2014, 2 RepliesRecently Andrew and I have taught the boys how to fold their own laundry. We started with kitchen towels and worked our way up to shorts, pants, and shirts. They are responsible for folding their own clothes and then putting them away independently. Because we do wash all the laundry together, the boys first sort … Continue reading “Montessori-Inspired”