A few years ago, I made Milo and Oliver hand-sewn stuffed animals out of an old, incredibly soft, pair of jeans. And you know what? They are still the boys’ favorite lovies. It warms my heart when they say things like, “Mama, you know what my favorite stuffed animal is? Pocket Bear. Because you made … Continue reading “Montessori-Inspired: Sewing”
Category: Montessori-Inspired
Montessori-Inspired: On Making Mistakes
Montessori-Inspired, by lauren, October 8, 2015, 3 RepliesOver the weekend, Oliver informed me that he was going to make a bowl out of paper mache. I looked up a quick recipe (flour and water until a pancake batter-like texture is achieved) and watched him, but other than that, I left him to it. I watched as he shredded construction paper, blew up … Continue reading “Montessori-Inspired: On Making Mistakes”
Montessori-Inspired: On Homework
Montessori-Inspired, by lauren, September 24, 2015, 17 RepliesI had an interesting discussion with a nanny at the playground after school one day earlier this week. The weather was beautiful and as a result, my boys had pretty much thrown their lunch boxes on the floor inside the door, turned on their heels, and ran directly back outside, making a beeline for the … Continue reading “Montessori-Inspired: On Homework”
Weekend Shenanigans
Montessori-Inspired, by lauren, September 21, 2015, 1 ReplyThis weekend was tons of fun! We got to see an old friend briefly on Friday night, and man did it take me back to the days before children… what a blast from the past! Dave is such a genuine, funny, endearing person, and it was a breath of fresh air to see him (though … Continue reading “Weekend Shenanigans”
Montessori-Inspired, by lauren, September 3, 2015, Leave a ReplyToday I want to share some pretty insightful Montessori posts throughout the web. I am constantly inspired by this learning method and hope to learn more about it this year through the school’s parent education nights. It’s just such an amazing, child-centered model! Here’s a great post on sharing and how it relates to the Montessori … Continue reading “Montessori-Inspired”