Keeping it simple and focused around here. Today we ditched the word cards and just dumped out all the letters onto the floor. Remarkable what kinds of words they came up with. Milo asked for compound words (he came up with rainbow and back pack), then wanted to classify animals. Oliver worked on sound combinations … Continue reading “Montessori-Inspired”
Category: Montessori-Inspired
Montessori-Inspired, by lauren, February 20, 2014, 5 RepliesSand play. In this case, the sand is mixed with a polymer, making it stick to itself: far less messy than regular dry sand. Plus, we can leave it out on the shelf and it doesn’t dry out. All three have been playing with it a lot since we’ve been indoors so much. It’s so … Continue reading “Montessori-Inspired”
Montessori-Inspired, by lauren, February 13, 2014, 6 RepliesIdeal Montessori provides everything on the child’s level, but we work with what we have. Today, washing dishes all by himself. I showed him the steps two times before letting him start: put soap on the scrub brush, turn on water, wet the dish, scrub the dish, rinse the dish, place on towel to dry. … Continue reading “Montessori-Inspired”
Montessori-Inspired, by lauren, January 16, 2014, 10 RepliesFalling in love with the Montessori method and crossing my fingers for some big changes for all my boys…
DIY Fun: Fall Spice Play Dough & A Blogging Break
DIY Fun, by lauren, November 7, 2013, 7 RepliesRecently, we ran out of store-bought play dough and I realized that I kind of hated that stuff anyway… so I didn’t buy any more. But play dough in general is a hot commodity around this house; soon after we ran out, I had several little boys asking me for more. I decided to finally try to … Continue reading “DIY Fun: Fall Spice Play Dough & A Blogging Break”