Another go-to mama uniform: a short-sleeved black dress under a long-sleeved black shirt + black tights with a graphic design for interest. Not that exciting, but super comfortable and it beats jeans and a tee shirt/sweater when layers are necessary in the cold cold winter. Plus, add a favorite necklace and some great clogs, and … Continue reading “Dress That Mama: Black”
Category: Style
Dress That Mama: Layers/Neutrals
Style, by lauren, January 23, 2013, 9 RepliesJanuary 23rd? How can this be? It seems like the month of January was a bust. Instead of feeling inspired, I just felt bulldozed. But I’m hoping that February is the “new January.” I’m going to have a sunnier outlook during my birthday month, I’ve decided. Despite, you know, lacking the sun and all. I’ve … Continue reading “Dress That Mama: Layers/Neutrals”
Dress That Mama: From Ingrid
Style, by lauren, January 16, 2013, 6 RepliesI put this outfit together the other day and was so pleased with the ease and tailored look… then I realized that half of what I was wearing had been gifted from one of my best friends, Ingrid. It sure is nice to have friends with good style! Polka dot chambray shirt: JCrew (sold out, … Continue reading “Dress That Mama: From Ingrid”
Dress That Mama: Holiday Party
Style, by lauren, December 12, 2012, 5 RepliesSorry for the blurry pictures– we took these on our way to a holiday party last weekend and it was already very dark outside at 6:00. AND who’s the genius who decided that taking a picture in front of a black door while wearing black tights was a good idea? Disappearing legs, anyone? Anyway, I’m … Continue reading “Dress That Mama: Holiday Party”
Dress That Kid: Holiday Shopping
Style, by lauren, December 5, 2012, 8 RepliesSelf high-five for a job well-done! I haven’t been posting a lot of outfits for the boys (or Andrew, for that matter) lately, so I wanted to share what they wore yesterday before preschool and for a bit of Christmas shopping. It looks a bit like Emil is wearing pajamas, but it’s actually the coolest … Continue reading “Dress That Kid: Holiday Shopping”