Back outside this week, despite flurries of snow that covered the ground an hour after we took these photos (winter, it’s been fun, but I think it’s time we see other people). Today: tomboy style. Dress like a dude (with tighter pants, in this case), add lipstick, done. And though lately I have been yearning … Continue reading “Dress That Mama: Tomboy Style”
Category: Style
Dress That Mama: Blue/Grey
Style, by lauren, February 27, 2013, 9 RepliesOutfit shot was mercifully done indoors this week, as I felt bad asking Andrew to step outside in his bare feet with all the snow on the ground… poor guy has to put up with this week after week! Please disregard the butterflies flying out of my ears. Anyway, this is what I wore to … Continue reading “Dress That Mama: Blue/Grey”
Dress That Mama: Vintage Bag
Style, by lauren, February 20, 2013, 17 RepliesHello there! Still feeling pretty crappy around here, but making it through the week and trying to rest when I can. I will admit that approximately 2 hours after taking this photo yesterday, I climbed back into bed and fell asleep for a bit while Emil napped and the big boys were at preschool. I … Continue reading “Dress That Mama: Vintage Bag”
Dress That Mama: Hearts
Style, by lauren, February 13, 2013, 18 RepliesAs a stay-at-home mama, some days all I want to do is stay in my pajamas all day. Especially in the winter. I have done this before, with mediocre results. I was extremely comfortable, yes, but dressing like a slacker made me feel like a slacker, and basically the whole day was a bust. Which is fine, if you … Continue reading “Dress That Mama: Hearts”
Dress That Mama: White
Style, by lauren, February 6, 2013, 13 RepliesYes, this is virtually the same outfit as last week, right down to the hairstyle… except for the dress! But I am a firm believer in wear-what-you-love, buy fewer items, and save for high quality. So there will be lots of repeats on Dress That Mama this year. This is what I wore last Thursday night out … Continue reading “Dress That Mama: White”