Hello sunshines! I am seriously coming alive with this spring weather! I hate to admit, but my mood is so influenced by the weather, you may as well check the forecast before you stop by if you want to be sure I’m in a reasonably good mood! And with the sunshine, I have been working … Continue reading “Dress That Mama: Spring Flow”
Category: Style
Dress That Mama: A Dress and Boots
Style, by lauren, April 10, 2013, 12 RepliesIf you recognize this dress, that is because I wore it all 9 months during my pregnancy with Emil (and during my pregnancy with Oliver, come to think of it!). And you know what? I’m still not tired of it! Also? It’s not a maternity dress, just a little more forgiving of the old waistline, … Continue reading “Dress That Mama: A Dress and Boots”
Dress That Mama: Polka Dots in Yellow
Style, by lauren, April 3, 2013, 12 RepliesYellow! Polka dots! It’s definitely spring. This is pretty much what I wore on Easter Sunday (minus the shoes, plus tights and rain boots because we were sloshing around in the mud a bit at our friends’ house). This is what I would wear to breakfast or lunch with a friend during the week. Which … Continue reading “Dress That Mama: Polka Dots in Yellow”
Dress That Mama: Spring Neutrals
Style, by lauren, March 27, 2013, 11 RepliesIt’s so deceiving, these outfit posts. Not because I don’t actually wear these outfits, but because by the time I post them (this one was taken on the one warm day last weekend, Saturday, before we received a ridiculous amount of snow the next day), the weather seems to be something completely different. And obviously, … Continue reading “Dress That Mama: Spring Neutrals”
Dress That Mama: Spring Flowers
Style, by lauren, March 20, 2013, 7 RepliesThough it is technically still only in the 40’s, last Friday was the exception, and I found myself warmed by the sunshine for one day. It was just what I needed, and of course I was inspired by the hope of spring. So, although today I am probably actually wearing something super warm, like jeans … Continue reading “Dress That Mama: Spring Flowers”