Dress That Mama

Style, by lauren, June 4, 2014, 6 Replies

I recently wore this dress and Andrew commented on how much he has loved it ever since I bought it in Philadelphia… 8 years ago! Ha, ha! This dress has seen some good times, including some crazy nights out in downtown Philly with friends from all over the world. I remember wearing it (with leggings … Continue reading “Dress That Mama”

This Handsome Man

Style, by lauren, June 4, 2014, 1 Reply

Even though Andrew is not exactly comfortable with me posting Dress That Prof posts of him anymore (something about students bringing up these posts in the middle of class… ), I couldn’t resist posting this more subdued version. Something about this guy in a good herringbone vest and a bow tie gets me every time!

Dress That Mama

Style, by lauren, May 7, 2014, 8 Replies

I ordered this dress back in February from a new little shop called Sonnet James… I thought the philosophy was great, “play dresses for playful moms,” but I didn’t understand quite what that meant until I put the dress on. It is flattering in all the right places and the material feels like a slightly … Continue reading “Dress That Mama”