Out and About

Favorite Places, by lauren, August 31, 2011, 5 Replies

Last weekend we ventured out as a family to meet friends at the annual International Festival in Tower Grove Park. The weather was hot, the food tasty, and the music and dancing kept our little ones happy. And with all the walking, running, dancing, and heat, we figured we would have two (or three) very … Continue reading “Out and About”

Christmas in Ohio, Installment II: Ginamom and Michaeldad

Family, by lauren, January 4, 2011, 9 Replies

Back in the country. This time, we travel an hour and a half southeast (?), the nearest town Winchester, Ohio. Andrew’s mom and stepdad’s house, otherwise known as Gina-mom and Michael-dad. And yet again, the cold cold weather could not contain us… especially not the fearless, playful, snowball-fight-starting Gina-mom. Really, she started it. Being around … Continue reading “Christmas in Ohio, Installment II: Ginamom and Michaeldad”

Christmas in Ohio, Installment I: Grandmother’s House

Family, by lauren, December 31, 2010, 4 Replies

As with any holiday during which one takes a week’s worth of pictures with numerous people who are significant in one’s life, our Christmas vacation blog will have to be several posts long. In no particular order, we start with Grandma and Grandpa Jeff’s house, Christmas Eve. Though, I might add, this was towards the … Continue reading “Christmas in Ohio, Installment I: Grandmother’s House”

The City Museum

Favorite Places, by lauren, November 28, 2010, 6 Replies

Here is where I warn you about the 2,389,576,455,567,781 pictures you are about to see. Because I’ve narrowed them down from many, many more (mostly taken by Mary, stolen by me) and still can’t seem to make it down to a decent, acceptable number. This place, the City Museum of St. Louis, warrants a ridiculous … Continue reading “The City Museum”