Summer of Motion

Family, by lauren, July 27, 2015, 1 Reply

They are perpetually moving, growing, changing, moving forward in this world, through time and space. To catch these moments and freeze them in time brings me a joy I can’t explain. I was there, this moment happened, and somehow it is now behind us now, yet here it is. In motion, yet still. There is something … Continue reading “Summer of Motion”


Favorite Places, by lauren, April 24, 2015, 6 Replies

Man am I tired. Andrew and I decided to add a little excitement to our marriage on our anniversary, so we were up late swinging…  … from a flying trapeze, you guys! Geez, get your minds out of the gutter! Honestly, I don’t know how I let him talk me into this one. Have I … Continue reading “Swinging…”

Blueprint Coffee

Favorite Places, by lauren, April 16, 2015, 6 Replies

Blueprint Coffee: 6225 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63130 / phone: 314.266.6808 This past year I’ve explored probably every coffee shop in the city of St. Louis (okay, an exaggeration, but not much of a stretch). Blueprint is one I keep going back to because it’s located in the Loop (just around the corner from … Continue reading “Blueprint Coffee”

Weekend Shenanigans

Family, by lauren, January 19, 2015, 13 Replies

Saturday morning started with one thing going wrong after another. I awoke in a foul mood and no matter how I tried to shake it, the little things kept building and building — Emil disappearing to make messes upstairs instead of getting dressed, coming downstairs with a t-shirt and completely naked otherwise while Oliver and … Continue reading “Weekend Shenanigans”