Hubba hubba! I am one lucky lady! Short-sleeved chambray shirt: JCrew Plaid cotton tie: JCrew (sold out, but this one is similar) Cotton cardigan: JCrew (sold out, but find a similar one here) Corduroy pants: Banana Republic Shoes: Aldo It finally feels more like spring around here… hope you enjoy the day!
Category: Uncategorized
Dress That Prof: Cotton and Plaid
Uncategorized, by lauren, April 4, 2012, 6 RepliesAs the weather continues to warm up, I am finding that dressing Andrew is becoming easier and harder. Easier because it requires less layers, but harder because he doesn’t own a whole bunch of lighter options, and I actually found some comfort in mixing different fabrics that can be layered. But in 90-degree heat, this … Continue reading “Dress That Prof: Cotton and Plaid”
Dress That Prof: Flower Print Tie
Uncategorized, by lauren, March 28, 2012, 6 RepliesOh, boy. I can imagine the comments on this one. A flower tie… yes, folks, he can pull it off. But one thing I have learned from these pictures is that we need to pay more attention to the fit of a couple of shirts (this one being obviously too long in the old sleeve … Continue reading “Dress That Prof: Flower Print Tie”
Dress That Prof: Light and Dark
Uncategorized, by lauren, March 21, 2012, 1 ReplyUnseasonably warm spring weather calls for some lighter weight shirts and jackets… corduroy is now put away until next fall. Out with the dark and heavy, in with the light and… light! Bow tie: Grip and Word Lightweight dress shirt: JCrew Khaki sportcoat: JCrew Pinstripe trousers: Banana Republic, find similar ones here Shoes: Aldo Hope … Continue reading “Dress That Prof: Light and Dark”
Varmint Huntin’
Uncategorized, by lauren, March 15, 2012, 9 RepliesAnd now for a little Thursday morning gross-ness. Consider that your warning. There’s still time to turn away. No? Okay. Here it is: Tasty morsel #6 In true terrier style, our dog Proudie has quite the kill list. She has killed and eaten, in no particular order, the following poor creatures (that we know about): … Continue reading “Varmint Huntin’”