Uncategorized, by lauren, December 9, 2007, 2 Replies

GIVE ME MY MILK-IE!!!!!!Despite how it looks, Milo and I had a great time together while Andrew was in San Francisco for the past three days. We are thrilled to have him back home, though. While he was gone, Milo learned how to surf on the homemade pillow surfboard sent by Cousins Jada and Jason. … Continue reading “”

Blah Humbug

Uncategorized, by lauren, December 7, 2007, 1 Reply

The last two days have been spent just lazing around the house. I still haven’t completely kicked this stomach bug, plus the weather has been unpleasant, so we are holed up in here. For anyone who knows me, this is usually not a good thing. I usually get stir crazy pretty easily, but for some … Continue reading “Blah Humbug”

Our Happy Family

Uncategorized, by andrew, December 5, 2007, 2 Replies

Milo’s head circumference is in the 97th percentile only if you measure around his cheeks. (Hmmm…I wonder where he gets those cheeks?) OK…here’s what he actually looks like these days.

One Unhappy Bum

Uncategorized, by lauren, November 28, 2007, 1 Reply

Last night and today have been rough for little Milo. He had a reaction to the vaccines he received yesterday, and had a fever of 100.6 last night. Poor little guy just couldn’t get comfortable. He’s been very fussy today, too, but at least his fever went down. I’ve never seen him so unhappy and … Continue reading “One Unhappy Bum”