I’m not becoming a huge fan of immunization day. Today was Milo’s 5-month check-up (or 4-month check-up a month late, I think- don’t ask, our pediatrician’s office keeps screwing up our appointments for some reason). He received 3 shots and an oral rotovirus vaccine (which he proceeded to spit out). He did a lot better … Continue reading “Tummy Torture, Part II”
Category: Uncategorized
Big Trouble, Little Georgetown
Uncategorized, by lauren, January 25, 2008, 3 RepliesFirst of all, I’m sure you figured out that the last post was Andrew’s doing, as I am not quite the stats nerd that he is. However, I did have fun at those sites. Now I will explain the title of this blog. In short, our lives are officially over. Last night, Andrew and I … Continue reading “Big Trouble, Little Georgetown”
Baby names – sites for the nerd in you
Uncategorized, by lauren, January 23, 2008, Leave a ReplyI came across a link to a neat app for baby names on a nerdy data processing/visualization site (which I love) that Noah pointed out: http://www.babynamewizard.com/namevoyager/lnv0105.html Type any name in the field and hit enter…You’ll see how the use of the name has changed over time. Also, check out this one: http://www.nymbler.com/nymbler/ I haven’t found … Continue reading “Baby names – sites for the nerd in you”
Snowy Day
Uncategorized, by lauren, January 17, 2008, 1 ReplyAlthough Milo’s real “first snow” was technically about a month ago, today seemed to be the first time he noticed it. We had our first accumulation of the season today; a soggy wet mess that makes the roads slick and slushy, but does not stick around for too long. But it was very pretty earlier … Continue reading “Snowy Day”
Tummy Torture
Uncategorized, by lauren, January 7, 2008, 2 RepliesThose of you who have had children or grandchildren recently understand the importance of “tummy time,” since the SIDS campaign insists that we always put babies to sleep on their backs to prevent crib death. The funny thing is, Milo used to scream whenever he wasn’t on his stomach until he was about 2 months … Continue reading “Tummy Torture”