The Sleep Solution

Uncategorized, by lauren, February 21, 2008, 1 Reply

I am fortunate enough to live in a very family-centered community, which constantly provides our neighborhood with opportunities for support and connecting with other families. Playgroups, outings, interactive storytime directed towards infants, and regular speakers having to do with family life are constantly provided to us. So I was excited about our speaker of the … Continue reading “The Sleep Solution”

Toothy Tuesday

Uncategorized, by lauren, February 19, 2008, 2 Replies

Milo’s latest accomplishment, growing two teeth, and learning how to use them, has become my greatest fear. As his teeth have come a little earlier than I expected (most of the babies in his playgroup either have no teeth or didn’t get them until 7 or 8 months), I didn’t necessarily expect to still be … Continue reading “Toothy Tuesday”