The good news is, the sleep training is starting to work (although we still have a way to go). Milo went for a whole 7 hours without nursing last night. Although he woke up 5 times between his 7pm bedtime and his 2am feeding, he did not scream and cry nearly as much, and was … Continue reading “Get Us Out of Here!”
Category: Uncategorized
The Sleep Solution
Uncategorized, by lauren, February 21, 2008, 1 ReplyI am fortunate enough to live in a very family-centered community, which constantly provides our neighborhood with opportunities for support and connecting with other families. Playgroups, outings, interactive storytime directed towards infants, and regular speakers having to do with family life are constantly provided to us. So I was excited about our speaker of the … Continue reading “The Sleep Solution”
Toothy Tuesday
Uncategorized, by lauren, February 19, 2008, 2 RepliesMilo’s latest accomplishment, growing two teeth, and learning how to use them, has become my greatest fear. As his teeth have come a little earlier than I expected (most of the babies in his playgroup either have no teeth or didn’t get them until 7 or 8 months), I didn’t necessarily expect to still be … Continue reading “Toothy Tuesday”
Pop Goes the Weasel
Uncategorized, by lauren, February 16, 2008, 2 RepliesHere is the much-anticipated premier of Milo’s giggles caught on film (and Andrew’s rendition of “Pop Goes the Weasel”). We took the video the same day that we took the video of Milo rolling over. It was an eventful day. I’ll post more when there is more news. All that is going on with us … Continue reading “Pop Goes the Weasel”
Rolling, Playing, Roasting
Uncategorized, by lauren, February 11, 2008, 1 ReplyHere is proof that Milo really is rolling over. Nevermind the fact that Proudie had to bribe him with her dog toy. And ignore Proudie’s attempts at trying to steal the spotlight.And really, I think we have hit a turning point today with the rolling over. After his evening bath, Milo rolled over onto his … Continue reading “Rolling, Playing, Roasting”