Not to cast a shadow over Lauren’s post, but I can’t resist. I have discovered the real young bum. Here are a few choice facts about Young Bum: 1. He is a professor at Harvard Medical School 2. He has a PhD in Molecular Physiology and…my favorite fun fact: 3. He specializes in obesity You … Continue reading “The *Real* Young Bum”
Category: Uncategorized
Texas, Take 1
Uncategorized, by lauren, March 13, 2008, Leave a ReplyWell, you should all be happy to know that Andrew did not have to pressure wash Milo after all. He was an absolute angel on the plane ride there, and really for the entire trip he was the perfect baby (aside from sleeping difficulties, but who can blame him, he was not in his element). … Continue reading “Texas, Take 1”
Response to "Anonymous"
Uncategorized, by lauren, March 6, 2008, 2 RepliesI recently received an anonymous comment on my last post that I would like to address. First of all, I brought this on myself by inviting any tips or advice, so if I blame anyone, I blame myself. But I do feel that I need to respond to this comment. Dear “Anonymous,” I respect your … Continue reading “Response to "Anonymous"”
One Step Forward…
Uncategorized, by lauren, March 6, 2008, 2 Replies… two steps back? Okay. I’m starting to think this blogger thing is cursed. It seems that whenever I post some new accomplishment of Milo’s, he regresses right afterward. Case in point, sleeping. The past two nights, Milo has been waking up in his old style; every hour to two hours. I was literally in … Continue reading “One Step Forward…”
Rice Cereal… Take 2
Uncategorized, by lauren, March 4, 2008, 2 RepliesI was re-reading some older blog posts and realized that some things are a bit deceptive. Not on purpose, I just never followed up on certain subjects. A long time ago, I claimed that Milo was putting himself to sleep at night. He did that once. Now, though, he actually is falling asleep more independently … Continue reading “Rice Cereal… Take 2”