
Uncategorized, by lauren, July 17, 2008, 5 Replies

To pay tribute to all the hillbillies out there, I’ve decided to go back in time and reflect on exactly who Milo Knight is. Here are the top 12 reasons I believe our little Bum is headed down the road of hillbilly-dom. #12. What hillbilly doesn’t love a good corndog? #11. Hillybillies are not afraid … Continue reading “Hillbilly”

Fourth From Afar

Uncategorized, by lauren, July 15, 2008, 2 Replies

Just wanted to post some pictures from the Fourth of July, especially since our good friends Garriy and Cat made the holiday hard to top. They drove down from DC on Friday morning, bearing gifts of cheesy (in a good way!) patriotic music and delicious food for a scrumptious picnic at Ft. McHenry. We feasted, … Continue reading “Fourth From Afar”