Blog Delinquency

Uncategorized, by lauren, September 13, 2008, 2 Replies

Posts are pending Comcast’s 3-week delay of installing internet access at our new house…. it’s not my fault, I swear! So… please check back around the 18th for pictures and posts from our vacation to North Carolina, our move to Washington, DC, and Milo’s first birthday!

First Steps

Uncategorized, by lauren, August 10, 2008, 1 Reply

You would be all tuckered out too if you were just learning how to walk! Yesterday, Milo took his very first steps! It really has been more gradual than that, with a single step here and there, but yesterday in the kitchen, he actually WALKED from me to Andrew, then from back again! I almost … Continue reading “First Steps”

New Trick

Uncategorized, by lauren, August 4, 2008, 1 Reply

Milo has a new trick! I had almost given up on getting him to do it. He waves hello and bye-bye to everyone, so I figured that was great progress, and the clapping thing would come on its own. And it did! Yesterday Milo clapped once but didn’t really repeat it. Today, however, it was … Continue reading “New Trick”